All about Cloud Computing

What is Cloud Computing and how does Cloud works? Hey Folks, As you know and have listened to cloud computing words nowadays often, but what do you actually mean by the terms Cloud? Is it a real cloud carrying our Servers? or some wireless networking that connects us to that moving cloud, only data storage? or google drive is all that cloud is..! What is Cloud..! Well, hold on to your breath..! These all are common questions that usually strike very first when we listen to the term Cloud! This blog will clear all your doubts about Cloud Computing and make it very simple for readers to understand. Moreover, we will talk about how cloud computing will take over our in-house Servers, cloud security points, and the Pros and Cons of Cloud Computing in the Era where Machine rules over the Next-Gen. Ques. What do you mean by Cloud Computing? Ans: First you need to understand how an in-house server works..! Client-Server Okay, So what is the Internet? The Internet consis...