
Showing posts with the label DevOps

All about Docker Container

What is Docker? Hey Family, So welcome to one more trending Tech Blog, today we are going with Docker and OS-Level Virtualization. If you are not aware of how Servers Client work and maintained over Cloud: I would strongly recommend you to first go through the below blog for a better understanding of how applications actually work. Read more on Cloud: What is Cloud Computing and how do Cloud works? Also more updates over Trending Tech and how computers are the Next-Gen Artificial Intelligence created by Human Intelligence Read more on DevOps Trends: How Automation will take over today's manual process Okay..! So assuming that you are aware of how Server, Client, and Applications works so let's get started: Que: What is Virtualization? How Virtualization works? Virtualization means creating a virtual version of a resource or device, such as a network, storage, server, device, or even an OS where the framework divides the resource into many more execution environments Okay, so I ...

Code with Terraform

POC on AWS Services like IAM, S3, Lambda, API Gateway & CloudFront using Terraform (IaC) Reference is been taken from: Document: Terraform Architecture S3 (Simple Storage Service) Brief:   An object storage service that offers industry-leading scalability, data availability, security, and performance code  Files used:   resource "aws_s3_bucket" "api_bucket" {   bucket = "${var.myregion}-${var.bucket_name}"   tags = {     Name        = "${var.myregion}-${var.bucket_name}"     Environment = "${var.environment}"   } } resource "aws_s3_bucket_acl" "api_acl" {   bucket =   acl    = var.acl   depends_on = [     aws_s3_bucket.api_bucket   ] } variable "bucket_name" {   default = "" } variable "environment" {   default...

All About Terraform

All About Terraform Before starting to learn what Terraform is. We need to understand what it is Infra As Code. Infrastructure as Code (IaC) is a way of managing and setting up your IT infrastructure using code, rather than manually configuring individual systems. With IaC , you write code to describe the desired state of your infrastructure, such as the number of servers you need and how they should be connected.  Tools like Terraform can then automatically execute this code to create and manage your infrastructure for you.  The benefits of using IaC include better consistency and reliability and easier collaboration and management since all of your infrastructure is defined and managed in a single place. Additionally, since IaC is code, you can version control it, making it easier to track changes and roll back to previous configurations if needed So What is Terraform? Terraform Terraform is a software tool that helps you manage and set up your infrastructure, such as the co...

Ansible Basics

 Ansible Basics Ansible Connections: # Sample Inventory File web1 ansible_connection=ssh ansible_user=root ansible_ssh_pass=Password123! web2 ansible_connection=ssh ansible_user=root ansible_ssh_pass=Password123! web3 ansible_connection=ssh ansible_user=root ansible_ssh_pass=Password123! db1 ansible_connection=winrm ansible_user=administrator ansible_password=Password123! Whereas, web1 & db1 denotes alias name for your server. ansible_host denotes your Server host IP / Name . ansible_connection denotes the type of your connection (for Linux: ssh & for windows: winrm) ansible_user denotes the user name of your server ansible_ssh_pass, ansible_ssh_key (for ...

Terraform Cheat Sheet

Terraform Commands Terraform Cheat Sheet Syntax Usage: terraform [global options] <subcommand> [args] 1. Main Commands: command: terraform init   (used for initializing a working directory) command: terraform plan   (used to preview the action) command: terraform apply   (used to execute the actions proposed) command: terraform destroy  (used to destroy all the objects managed by terraform) 2. Other Commands: command: terraform validate   (used to validate configuration files in a directory) command: terraform fmt  (used to rewrite configuration files to canonical format and style) command: terraform console   (used for evaluating and experimenting with expressions on interactive command-line console) command: terraform force-unlock   (used to destroy all the objects managed by terraform) command: terraform get   (used to download and update modules) command: terraform graph  (used to generate a visual representation of either a co...