
All About Terraform

All About Terraform Before starting to learn what Terraform is. We need to understand what it is Infra As Code. Infrastructure as Code (IaC) is a way of managing and setting up your IT infrastructure using code, rather than manually configuring individual systems. With IaC , you write code to describe the desired state of your infrastructure, such as the number of servers you need and how they should be connected.  Tools like Terraform can then automatically execute this code to create and manage your infrastructure for you.  The benefits of using IaC include better consistency and reliability and easier collaboration and management since all of your infrastructure is defined and managed in a single place. Additionally, since IaC is code, you can version control it, making it easier to track changes and roll back to previous configurations if needed So What is Terraform? Terraform Terraform is a software tool that helps you manage and set up your infrastructure, such as the computers a

Ansible Basics

 Ansible Basics Ansible Connections: # Sample Inventory File web1 ansible_connection=ssh ansible_user=root ansible_ssh_pass=Password123! web2 ansible_connection=ssh ansible_user=root ansible_ssh_pass=Password123! web3 ansible_connection=ssh ansible_user=root ansible_ssh_pass=Password123! db1 ansible_connection=winrm ansible_user=administrator ansible_password=Password123! Whereas, web1 & db1 denotes alias name for your server. ansible_host denotes your Server host IP / Name . ansible_connection denotes the type of your connection (for Linux: ssh & for windows: winrm) ansible_user denotes the user name of your server ansible_ssh_pass, ansible_ssh_key (for Linu

Nagios Monitoring Tool & Its Features

 Nagios Monitoring Tool and Features  Hey Folks, Here is one of the best monitoring software in the market, which can monitor applications, networks, servers, memory, URL, HTTP, content, microprocessors, and many more. Why Nagios called Nagios: Nagios is a recursive acronym: " Nagios Ain't Gonna Insist On Sainthood " – " sainthood " ( पवित्रता ) makes reference to the original name NetSaint ( कोई संत नहीं ), which changed in response to a legal challenge by owners of a similar trademark. "Agios" (or "hagios" ) it transliterates the Greek word άγιος , which means "saint" . Nagios Monitoring Tool What is Nagios? Nagios is open-source software for continuous monitoring of systems, networks, and infrastructures (windows machine Linux machine, network devices, switches farewell, router, etc). It runs plugins on a server that is connected with a host or another server on our network or the Internet. In case of any failure, Nagios s

Grafana - A Quick Overview

Grafana - A Quick Overview Hey Folks, Here is the most versatile visualization tool, which helps us to design beautiful graphs and visualizations of our data for depth insights i.e.,  Grafana . What is Grafana? What is Grafana Why Grafana? The purpose of the Grafana dashboard is to bring data together in a way that is both efficient and organized it allows users to better understand the matrix of their data through queries information visualization and alerts. Grafana is an open-source visualization and analytics software. No matter in which place your data is stored, it can be visualized, queried, and explored. In plain English, it provides tools to turn your time-series database (TSDB) data into beautiful graphs and visualizations. Grafana Dashboard It provides: Charts Graphs Alerts One of the biggest highlights of Grafana is the ability to bring several data sources together in one dashboard by adding rows that will host individual panels that each with a visual type. Th

What is Prometheus and How Does it works?

What is Prometheus? Hey Folks, Here is the most versatile monitoring tool available, which can monitor numerous infrastructure and application metrics. But before we begin, let's first understand what Prometheus is about: Meaning of Prometheus: In Greek mythology,  Prometheus is a demigod (someone who is part human and part god) who stole fire from Mount Olympus and gave it to humans. Just like Prometheus stole fire in a similar way Prometheus monitoring tool scrapes (Pull Model) the matrix from the targets and stores it in the database. Prometheus What is Prometheus? Prometheus is an open-source monitoring and alerting toolkit. Since its inception in 2012 by sound cloud. Prometheus is a free software application used for event monitoring and alerting, which helps us to record real-time metrics in a time series database (allowing for high dimensionality) built using an HTTP pull base model , with powerful and flexible queries and real-time alerting . Uses a multi-dim

Prometheus Architecture

 Prometheus Architecture Architecture The easiest way to remember Prometheus architecture using Reliance Store: Reliance Store Architecture Study in detail: 1) Prometheus Server: It is the core boundary of the Prometheus system, basically, it is divided into 3 parts. Retrieval Storage HTTP Server  Prometheus Server Retrieval block retrieves or scrapes the data from target nodes which can be any system or application and then store that data in the storage Prometheus stores data locally into a custom time series database and its storage can be a hard disk drive or a solid-state drive and after that, the stored data is available to visualization tools like Grafana or Prometheus UI through HTTP. Anyone can query the data using PromQL over HTTP. Prometheus Server Configuration? Prometheus Server Configuration 2) Pull Method: Now how does Prometheus retrieve matrices from target nodes: Prometheus most of the time uses the pull method while monitoring systems, this is a very import